Optimal bioavailability means you can feed less, get more™.
SQM® protected minerals and vitamins from QualiTech help your poultry improve performance in a variety of important ways.
You will find that QualiTech products can help your poultry with:
Egg production and the quality of both eggs and shells
Breast meat yield, immunity, and skin condition
Immunity, eggshell quality, and other key performance factors
Breast meat yield, body weight, and feed conversion
QualiTech products also provide essential components for your birds’ enzymes, hormones, and cells.

SQM® Protected Minerals for Poultry
SQM protected minerals from QualiTech utilize PolyTransport technology to provide optimal bioavailability.
By protecting SQM trace minerals via an innovative polysaccharide complex, PolyTransport technology ensures that the minerals you feed maintain their integrity until they reach the point of absorption.
Greater bioavailability also means you can lower inclusion levels without compromising animal performance. In other words, you can Feed Less, Get More with SQM protected minerals.
QualiTech has conducted extensive research on the efficacy of SQM protected minerals with poultry—and the results prove they can have a dramatic effect on bird performance and on your bottom line.
SQM® Iron
Iron has been recognized as a required trace mineral since ancient times, and iron deficiency is probably the most common deficiency disease affecting swine.
Although iron deficiency is not of any real concern in other livestock species, it is required in the diet to maintain bodily functions. Many biochemical reactions in their body require iron, particularly those involved in electron and oxygen transport. In addition, iron plays a key role in two of the enzymes that break down peroxide molecules, thus helping the animal stay healthy.
The proven bioavailability of SQM protected trace minerals helps ensure that the iron you provide your animals is absorbed and used.
SQM Iron is approved for use in all classes of livestock, pets, and aquaculture.
SQM® Zinc
One of the most extensively studied trace minerals over the last 30 years, zinc is associated with over 300 metalloenzymes with functions throughout the animal’s body.
Zinc is also intimately associated with a number of hormones, thus playing an important role in both the male and female during reproduction. In addition, zinc is necessary for proper growth, skeletal formation, skin and wound healing, and immunity.
Because zinc has so many diverse roles, it is imperative that animals consume enough zinc daily to meet their body’s needs for growth, reproduction, and immunity. The proven bioavailability of SQM protected trace minerals helps ensure that the zinc you provide your animals is absorbed and used.
SQM Zinc is approved for use in all classes of livestock, pets, and aquaculture.
SQM® Copper
Critical functions of copper include reproduction, immunity, bone formation and maturity, iron metabolism, cellular respiration, hair and wool pigmentation, and lipid metabolism.
Copper is an essential trace mineral for all stages of production throughout an animal’s life.
To keep animals healthy and productive, it is necessary to ensure they are able to consume and absorb enough copper from the diet to meet the needs of these critical functions. The proven bioavailability of SQM protected trace minerals helps ensure that the copper you provide your animals is absorbed and used.
SQM Copper is approved for use in all classes of livestock, pets, and aquaculture.
SQM® Magnesium
Magnesium is one of the most abundant elements in an animal’s body and is found largely in the bones and teeth.
However, in addition to these structural roles, magnesium is necessary for many of the enzymes involved with energy metabolism, protein synthesis, muscular contraction, immunity, and possibly even reproduction. Magnesium is the only macro-mineral product produced by QualiTech.
A common disease resulting from magnesium deficiency is grass tetany. This can occur even when a high magnesium supplement is fed simply because the animal does not consume the supplement due to the bad taste associated with magnesium oxide. Replacing some of the magnesium oxide with SQM magnesium can help to alleviate this problem.
The proven bioavailability of SQM protected trace minerals helps ensure that the magnesium you provide your animals is absorbed and used.
SQM Magnesium is approved for use in all classes of livestock, pets, and aquaculture.
SQM® Manganese
Manganese is considered a dietary essential for all animals, and deficiencies have been noted in swine, poultry, and ruminants that are fed diets formulated with normal feed ingredients.
While the dietary requirement for manganese may seem low, it plays a vital role in many physiological functions, including, but not limited to, reproduction, immunity, bone growth, enzyme activity, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism.
Keeping your animals healthy and productive is your goal. The proven bioavailability of SQM protected trace minerals helps ensure that the manganese you provide your animals is absorbed and used.
SQM Manganese is approved for use in all classes of livestock, pets, and aquaculture.
Dura-C® Protected Vitamin C
Dura-C Protected Vitamin C from QualiTech is a unique formula for improved Vitamin C in poultry diets.
Two concentrations of Vitamin C are available: 80% and 35%.
Dura-C provides the following benefits to poultry producers:
- Proprietary technology increases durability during feed handling and processing
- Highly stable formulation helps optimize bioavailability and performance
Vitamin C supplementation improves antioxidant response, assists with the formation of connective tissue and bone matrix, and supports both immune function and reproductive performance. Research has also shown that Vitamin C supplementation may alleviate the effects of heat stress and may influence the incidence of Wooden Breast Syndrome in broilers.